Soldier Pile for Landslide Protection

Cimahi, West Java, 2020
People trust us because of the honest and ethical way we do business. We passionately believe in our duty to do the right thing by our clients, that delivering on their expectations is more important than anything else we do.
PT Rocksense Inti Gemilang (PT R.I.G) is a geotechnical, geoscience, and survey consultancy established in November 2015 to serve the needs of the earth science fraternity.
Our locations and contact information for Rocksense Inti Gemilang office in Bandung Indonesia.
We provide the real needs of site investigation tools to support characterization of the ground conditions and determination of ground risk factors for projects anywhere in the world.
Full range of survey services offered from start to finish including initial topographic mapping through to design, setting out & construction control, monitoring and ”as built”.
Soldier Pile for Landslide Protection
Pumping Test For Masterplan of Sustainable Raw Water Supply System
Groundwater Potential Mapping and Modelling
Bathymetric Survey and Geotechnical Investigation for Warnasari Port Feasibility Study
Infiltration Well Drilling and Develompent
Deep Waterwell Drilling and Development
Deep Waterwell Drilling and development for 2 Deep Well
Deep Waterwell Drilling and Development
Deep Waterwell Drilling and Development Sumur 1 & 2
Geological Mapping And Modelling for Andesite Mining Potential
UAV Survey and Soil Investigation for Slope Stability Analysis
Topographic Survey for Land Acquisition Map
As-Built Survey for Factory Acquisition
Topographic Survey Sky Bridge Preliminary Design
Topographic, GPR And ERT Survei for Settlement Identification and Coal Volume Calculation
Geological Mapping for Mining Potential
Deep Water Well Drilling and Development
UAV Survei for Steel Mill Plan
Soldier Pile for Landslide Protection Phase II
Earthwork and Construction Monitoring for Fairy Garden